Rodino Modernization Team Counts down to April 15th
April 15th marks the start of the cooling season for the Peter W. Rodino Federal Office Building Modernization.
Due to some unforeseen constraints with the installation of new rooftop cooling towers and supporting steel, the team needed to identify a temporary cooling solution so the building has cooling when April 15th arrives. The temporary cooling system will connect to existing central plant services and is planned to remain until the cooling season ends in October. The project management team here is buttoning up the coordination of the temporary cooling system and work should begin this week.
In the image below you see Tocci/Driscoll Project Manager showing a preliminary model to the mechanical and scaffolding contractors.
The image below is a model of the temporary cooling piping layout with the scaffolding used to support the pipe. Tocci/Driscoll VDC Modeler Moises Berrun authored the model after contractor input.
Planned interior renovations continue. The renovations for the 13th floor are complete and the tenant is scheduled to move in this Friday. As the tenant moves in on the 13th floor, the 4th-floor renovations continue. Walls are framed and drywall is hung. Electrical rough-ins are nearing completion while ductwork continues to be shipped to the job site and installed.
Meanwhile, miscellaneous demolition on the 2nd floor begins with the kitchen area. Removal of kitchen equipment and coordination of electrical and plumbing disconnections start this week. As this work happens, temporary life safety measures are installed as the systems are put offline.
Throughout this, the subbasement space swells with activity. Installation of the new chillers is nearing completion with piping scheduled to be completed at the end of the week. As the mechanical contractor finishes with pipe installation, the electrical contractor is wiring the chillers and panels.