Worcester Business Journal Feature: “Marlborough Hospital Adopts Innovative Build Contract”
Marlborough Hospital is featured in the Worcester Business Journal.
From the article:
Laura Handler said IPD is still very new, but big on the West Coast in health care. “There’s a lot of buzz in the industry on IPD right now,” she said, with close to 100 IPD projects having been completed. She said Marlborough Hospital officials did not need to be sold on the concept. “Once they understood how it aligned all project participants, it just clicked for them,” she said.” They just got it.”
“Each company has been at the table since the first day, all working steadfastly to achieve the shared goal of building an innovative patient-centered facility, said Candra Szymanski, the hospital’s chief operating officer, said in a statement. “This experience has verified for me that I will never build a hospital any other way than through IPD.”