Tocci Quoted in UK Government BIM Report


Tocci mentioned in Innovation & Growth Team report

On November 30th the Chief Construction Adviser in the UK, Paul Morrell, published an Innovation & Growth Team report which documents the British government’s recommendations for the construction industry with regards to reducing carbon footprint, reducing waste, and improving economy and efficiency. The report stresses the use of BIM and we are honored that Mr. Morrell quoted our CEO, John Tocci, on page 67:

When we have the means of modeling a building in three dimensions digitally, it is perverse to attempt to do so for the first time for real, under site conditions. As John Tocci, an American contractor who makes invariable use of BIM (whether or not the design comes to him in that form) puts it, “Every good building deserves to get built twice”

Paul Morrell, UK Chief Construction Adviser

Here are a few of Morrell’s important BIM-related recommendations:

Recommendation 3.11

“The industry should work, through a collaborative forum, to identify when the use of BIM is appropriate (in terms of the type or scale of the project), what the barriers to its more widespread take-up are, and how those barriers might be surpassed, leading to an outline protocol for future ways of working.”

Recommendation 6.14

“Mandate Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology for central Government projects with a value greater than £50 million.”